
Syd Barnes

Alphabetical XIs: With Bradman, Barnes, Botham, the B’s are perhaps the strongest

Here is a Dream Team from players whose last names start with B.

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Celebrating New Year: How five of the greatest cricketers did it

Great cricketers have unique ways of welcoming the New Year. Arunabha Sengupta looks at how five of the greatest cricketers of the yore made the New Year memorable.

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The tragic story of Claude Newberry

Claude Newberry, who played for South Africa against England in the last Test series before the First World War, remains a gap in cricket’s records.

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Syd Barnes rules the first ever Boxing Day Test

The first ever Boxing Day Test was played at Old Wanderers in 1913.

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Ashes 1911-12: Sydney Barnes and Jack Hobbs create magic at Melbourne

Syd Barnes reduced the Australians to 11 for 4 within the first hour. Then, in the final innings, Jack Hobbs played one of the most silken knocks to win the game.

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Sydney Barnes: Greatest bowler in history?

Syd Barnes took 189 wickets in Test at 16.43 and 6,229 wickets at 8.33 in all forms of cricket.

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