
John Arlott

Commentators in cricket history 8: Alan Gibson’s genius and other demons

Alan Gibson was perhaps the most learned man ever to hold the microphone as a cricket broadcaster, someone who brought classical knowledge into his reporting. In the eighth part of the series on cricket commentators, Arunabha Sengupta looks back at the life and career of this man in whom flair and erudition forever battled with whimsy and the bottle.

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Commentators in cricket history – 6: EW “Jim” Swanton – The old reliable

A man who got the 1939 Wisden stamped as Not Subversive by the Japanese at a Prisoner of War camp, EW Swanton was one of the pioneering commentators and a regular member of the Test Match Special team.

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Commentators in cricket history – 4: John Arlott – the master

John Arlott was a policeman, poet, wine-connoisseur, author, part time politician, anti-apartheid spokesperson and renowned host of dinner parties, all rolled into one.

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How commentators over the ages would describe a Sachin Tendulkar cover drive!

By Venkataraman Ganesan


In an era where quality of cricket commentary ranges from the mesmerising to the macabre (mostly the latter). In the following lines, I employ the hypothetical setting of Tendulkar executing a cover drive and then don the pseudo mantle of various living and dead commentators to describe the shot.

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Is cricket commentary a dying art?

Way back every thing was driven by a fascinating gadget called a radio.

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