
Movie Review

Sachin: A Billion Dreams — borders on hagiography, sustains itself on nostalgia

Sachin Tendulkar was a pronoun. Had aliens landed in India in the 1990s they would have assumed there was some sort of underground cult in place.

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Warriors: The sinister secret behind Maasai cricket, and how cricket conquers all #WakeTheLion

Yet another magnificent documentary on the sport beyond the realm of Test cricket, television, and franchises; this is on cricket at the barest, rawest, most humane level.

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Main Hoon Shahid Afridi — A gust of fresh air

Where Main Hoon Shahid Afridi scores over many other sports movies is in the joy it evokes.

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The Final Test — Movie that starred Len Hutton, Denis Compton, Jim Laker, Alec Bedser and Godfrey Evans

‘The Final Test’, released on May 4, 1953, was a movie made with cricket as the central theme.

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Fire in Babylon – an awesome glimpse into the fierce West Indies supremacy

The movie offers a peek into West Indies culture and supremacy in the 70’s and 80’s.

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