

Colin Bland: One of the greatest fielders of all time

At his peak, Colin Bland was acknowledged as the greatest ever fielder. He was perhaps the greatest before Jonty Rhodes.

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Bevan Congdon: A much-respected name in the annals of New Zealand cricket

Congdon played 61 Tests, scoring 3,448 runs at an average of 32.22, and 11 ODIs for New Zealand.

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Obituary: Clive van Ryneveld, one of the greatest all-round sportsmen

Clive van Ryneveld, born March 19, 1928, was one of the greatest all-round sportsmen produced by South Africa.

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Bob Holland: a late bloomer with a peculiar career

During his playing days, Bob Holland brought along a certain old-aged charm … the keyword there being ‘old’.

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Peter Richardson: Gutsy batsman and prankster who enjoyed a dream start to his Test career

When Richie Benaud induced a snick to get rid of young Peter Richardson, the score read 195 and the newcomer into the England side had 104 next to his name

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Rachael Heyhoe-Flint: The woman who was cricket

Rachael Heyhoe-Flint was not merely an outstanding cricketer or captain. She was not merely the person who revolutionised women’s cricket, either. She was women’s cricket.

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Deepak Shodhan: Victim of selection injustice despite a 60-plus average

Deepak Shodhan, first Indian left-hander to score a Test hundred, passed away at 87 in this home in Ahmedabad. His average of 60.33 is the highest among Indians.

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Martin Crowe: Master batsman, astute analyst and very, very human

As Martin Crowe departs for the land where no bails are ever drawn, all of us fortunate enough to have seen him bat remember his cricket. And we remember the man.

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O Martin, my Martin Crowe, long ago…

"I became a fan of his writing, often disagreeing with his views but loving them nonetheless."

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Martin Crowe: The man cricket never caught up with

Crowe had an impact as deep as any on the sport; he made a nation not used to success believe that they could challenge the best.

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